We are a country without Morals. Only a Pedophile could support the literature that they want to teach our children

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Go get them.

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Well, what the f&$#.

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In Montgomery Co, Md, this type of book is 'taught,' and parents are NOT allowed to opt their children out!

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As a educator you are well aware of age appropriate materials, subjects ideas, and information that is obviously harmful to children. Further exposure to the concepts portrayed in the books brought to your attention by Libs of Tic Tok, make children more susceptible to grooming, child rape, and sexual exploitation. Your primary job is the protection and education of children. Do not fail them. 

Please do your job and remove these harmful to minors materials immediately. It is unacceptable your school district is putting children's welfare in danger for liberal ideologies that have no place in child welfare and safety. 

Additionally, your district is on notice groomed and molested children may take legal action against you for failure to remove harmful materials you are now aware may serve as a nexus for sexual exploitation.

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Blood boiling 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 how dare they?

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Thank God for the plandemic -THAT is what made me get my daughter out of the indoctrination camp that WA public schools have begun. The pedo's running these schools should be shot, but instead they have protection from the FBI. WTF.

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This is what Romans 1 looks like, in case anyone is keeping score:

(Romans 1:24-25)

[24] Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, [25] because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen.

God is not mocked. We are reaping what we sow. Pray that our children are delivered from this evil.

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Aug 30, 2023·edited Aug 30, 2023

These disgusting school officials, are simply lunatics. How in the world did they end up in positions of power over our children? They do not care one iota about children. They need to be removed by any means necessary. Whether or not we want to believe it, the teachers unions are responsible for this disaster. Hopefully they will be destroyed.

And thank you LoTT for keeping focus on these pigs!

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Since when is it that the school boards determine when your child is ready for this kind of sex Ed? Outrageous!

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The first example looks

Like it’s warning kids about sexual


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If it were are warning, it wouldn't have to be so explicit.

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I'm old, so I remember when they did the "stranger danger" things at school. :)

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They still do that, only with the poles reversed. The dangerous people now are those closest to you and who love you the most, but who might have ideas or beliefs that run counter to the brave new world toward which the enlightened so heroically strive. And in the face of such peril, like being yelled at during a school

board meetings! People used to be so much more respectful, and knew not to question the the high-minded, especially at gunpoint. And what ever happened to intellectual aloofness and theoretical detachment? Reality can’t ALWAYS intrude. Sure, some kids get chewed-up and spit out along the way, but that’s just the cost of doing business (to put it in terms you rapacious capitalist robots should understand). Who said progress would be easy? The road to

Enlightenment has always been paved with the skulls of the timid and resistant. What makes you think this time will be different? Now go in peace, live and let live, and get with the fucking program. Or else.

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