The reality is that the pornographic and smutty books that the Left claims are being "banned" aren't being banned. The debate is simply which books will make it into school libraries and curricula, and who gets to make that decision, parents or administrators. There’s no tenet of free expression that requires state schools to push sexually explicit content, or books that feature transgender characters or problematize whiteness. Excluding such books doesn’t constitute “censorship” or a “ban,” it’s called prudence and curation.


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Brad, thanks. My friend says he hates DeSantis because he’s banning books. Your comment will be forwarded. And I just subscribed to Euphoric Recall.

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Thank you!

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It never seemed so threatening when it was in the back room of the video store. The internet changed porn and the porn changed people. David Cronenberg portrayed this in "Videodrome." What a prescient film, in retrospect. Watch it again now. James Woods's torso in the third act = autogynephila. AGP in adult men is almost always correlated with extreme porn consumption.

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I’m sitting here, reading, stunned. Thanks for the data. I need to take a breath, walk away from this and return to do a deep dive. I have 9 grandchildren, so my radar is always up. I’m listening for cues, asking questions, and voicing my opinion. This article will help keep me informed.

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Great piece this 👏🏻👍🏻

And something tells me of all the shrill voices around “””book banning””” there will hardly be any that would be for wider circulation of this article especially among K-12 teachers, administrators and students in junior high and older. Suddenly these same people will be all for suppression and censorship. Guaranteed.

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The best way to control the population is to promise euphoria (sex or otherwise). Go ahead, eat ice cream for dinner. This is what the liberal left is promising our young and preparing them for voting. Give us your vote and we promise you euphoria and you won't even notice that we're strangling you.

We are becoming the Untied States of America.

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Any studies on the porn/drug addition type effects of social media/iphone use?

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Unfortunately, much of this article is scientifically and medically false, and based to a degree on persistent humorously antique myths about male masturbation which have re-centered on pornography - consider “masturbation depletes your body of vital energy”, and recall that the old phrase for masturbation was “self-abuse”.

You’ll note the language of abuse and depletion in this article now relative to pornography creating “dopamine depletion” leads to “depression and anxiety”. Pornography = Masturbation = Self-Abuse.

This is demonstrably false, if you read studies which have been published over the last 4 decades, which I have. I became interested in the subject after reading the output of the Meese Commission study of pornography back in the ‘80s. Critical reading of it is recommended.

1. Pornography is not an addiction, is not recognized by medical establishments as an addiction, and information leading to that conclusion is false. Don’t take my word for it, I’m neither a medical doctor nor a sexologist, but I can read standard written English and I seek multiple sources for scientific or medical discussions. Wikipedia has a good summary on the subject.


2. Masturbation is also not an addiction. Don’t take my word on it, again Wikipedia provides good summary of relevant data:


3. I don’t believe children should have access to adult materials, including both pornographic and violent imagery. For instance, I find it disturbing that children can effortlessly access the “Criminal Minds” television show and watch visualized grotesque gore situations including dismemberment, cannibalism, removing faces, removing eyes - I could go on - and also involving children and child imprisonment, torture, and murder. That children can effortless access other police procedurals, war and horror films where people are killed, tortured, murdered, destroyed in mass murder, and through genocide ( any given “superhero” movie ) should be much more disturbing than pornography.

I find it interesting that the worry about children here doesn’t involve adult media that which demonstrably and reliably causes children fear, pain, anxiety, and depression, rather than discussion of mythical damages due to masturbatory obsessions of isolated, anonymous adult males.

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