I’ve had an argument with well-meaning friends over “drag under 18” and asked a simple question - would it be OK for kids to go to school to watch other fetish acts in school or with children - strippers, pole dancers, bdsm demonstrations, wet teeshirt contests, wet underwear contests, sex slave auctions, leathermen contests, assorted gogo dancers and lap-dancers - would any other category of sexualized nightclub acts be ok?

Why is drag singled out as the only nightclub fetish act that's "ok" for children?

The other simple question is "if the performer genuinely wants to reach out to children, and literacy is a goal: why don't they volunteer in non-fetish clothing? If it's all about the kids, that is.

I think it would be instructive to read transvestite (mostly heterosexual by the way) fetish porn literature to get a clear-eyed view of how a man in drag in front of children operates psychologically to the audience and to the performer.

It's like being a flasher: it's the act of drag itself that's the sexual kick. An audience of children? The more shocked the better. That's the entire point.

That's how exhibitionistic sex fetishes work.

What aren't gay men like me speaking out - that's the mystery. I live in the heart of gaytown in SF and only one single well-meaning friend defends drag for kids as being essentially "clowns". All my other gay friends think it's not a good idea.

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I have used the stripper & pole dancer argument but never thought about including the rest you mentioned. You are exactly on point and I now will also include all the examples you brought to my attention.

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This is appalling! I would pull my kid out no matter the cost.

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"due to space constrictions" ~ total unvarnished bullsh*t.

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Thank you 'Libs' for your continued good work. I would have disagree with the program to start with; but the 'preaching' at the start was way over the top. A captive audience is not the place for that stage. If someone wants to make that speech, let them do it on a street corner. Perhaps when they see almost everyone walking by and not paying attention, they'll get the message that not many really want to hear from them.

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Mar 13, 2023·edited Mar 13, 2023

Thanks Libs of TikTok for another article on the insanity of marxist / woke cultural overthrow. This is all about control of YOUR children. The ONLY solution here is to pull your children out. I know it is a huge burden as most couples work but otherwise, this shit will continue to happen. Folks need to understand that public schools are not there to SERVE you. They are there to SERVE the state and that includes indoctrination. They get all the tax dollars in the community no matter what. There is no incentive for them to give you what you want. They think you have no where else to go. But you do...pull your children out and either home school them or find a good Christian (faith based) school. The key here is if enough parents pull their children out, the school district loses federal dollars as that is based on head count. When the district sees their gravy train is falling apart, they may then realize their mission is to serve you. But don't hold your breath...most of these folks are not very bright...

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Parents should band together and SUE this dystopian, leftist, perverted school. Plus, they need to pull their children out of this godless, pedophile infested school NOW.

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If kids were forced to stay then that is holding them beyond their will and should be interpreted as kidnapping. Charge the administrator to make a point.

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The drag performance here was more silly and boring than ‘obscene’. By high school, kids mostly know who they are sexually. It’s more posturing and proselytizing than grooming, but parents are right to object that it was not announced beforehand. Thanks for keeping up with the antics of the woke!

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I did see at least 3 kids get up and leave.

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All the kids should have left or not attend. They cannot physically force them to attend. Any punishments handed out for refusing to attend could be fought.

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I walked out of the "Rocky Horror Picture Show" in the mid 70's and I was a 20 year old.

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Until there are only about 22 kids in the bleachers this will continue. If the parents don't grow a backbone (if not for themselves, then for their children) the future is bleak for them (parents and kids). And that doesn't mean you don't help the very very small number of kids. You do. But to confuse the whole student body is representative of power grabbing mental illness.

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I guess living in CA has deadened my outrage reflex. I was expecting floor humping, dancers sexually mauling each other, or even an obnoxious amount of twerking. If this is considered inappropriate, we need to really objectively evaluate the standards of cheerleading over the last 40-50 years. Honestly, I think performances like this will help inoculate more teenagers than it will turn trans. This looks like that crop of awkward, cringey boys that emerge in every high school everywhere- Napoleon Dynamite in inappropriate skirts. I think the student body will regard them as student bodies have regarded that general cohort since it’s been an identifiable subgroup of the high school social strata. Not saying you shouldn’t unenroll your kids for all the other reasons.

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Some schools have "opposite day" which is generally the opportunity for boys to dress like street hookers, as if that's what women ordinarily wear. I've long been curious why everyone looks aside at cheerleaders. I'm not a prude, not even close. I am however very aware that this period of childhood is where children learn templates for living life. I'm not sure that sexualized clothing is a life lesson for teenagers that we need to work on in school. That's what internet is for 😉

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By Carlos Granda

Tuesday, March 14, 2023 11:48AM PT


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The left is trying to compare their Drag Shows to males in the 50's, 60's, 70's etc...etc...dressing up and wearing makeup as cheerleaders in High School & College. There is a huge difference between them and they didn't identify as female.

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Get. Your. Kids. Out. Of. Schools. You. Do. Not. Control.

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I used to live right next to that city. Now I live in Florida…thank God for highway 10 eastbound…so long California. When you get your shit together…maybe I’ll come visit.

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