Pull your kids out. That school district is not educating your kids; they are indoctrinating your kids. Yes, I know this means you will have to pay for private school and/or stay at home but count the cost. Marxist subversion is coming to a school near you....

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The problem with the internet is it used to be a guy who liked peanut butter rubbed on his crotch while chewing on tin foil would just think to himself "damn I'm weird". Now he can find a bunch of other freaks into the same and worse- so it validates the sickness. Rather than seek help- they are emboldened. This just promotes sicker behaviors- lap dances for minor girls by men in women's clothing. If this was a man in men's clothing- he would be arrested. What is the difference?

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Perverts will do pervert things. So sad to see these demonically possessed people preying on kids..

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At least some parts of US culture seem to be rejecting the pronoun cult? Definitely seems like time to get people out of public schools though.


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Pull your kids out of public schools. Enroll them in home school, private school, or charter school. Support vouchers. Run for school board. Support conservatives for school board.

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If you're an adult and you stood by and laughed and cheered YOU'RE THE PROBLEM.

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Did we always have such weirdos??

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What is the point of having drag queens at a school? It’s cabaret. Schools are not nightclubs.

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Just disgusting

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The worse it gets, the more they double down.

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OK, just to make sure, everyone's clear, this IS a Junior College, not a high school. The fact that underage kids were allowed to the event is pretty gross, but this is NOT a high school. The young lady in the chair is very likely a college student (although, I would have been horrified at that age to have a giant man rub his bits all on me even if he was dressed in lady foam and makeup). And yes, when I was in college, you had to go off campus to find that kind of pro entertainment (although the on campus dorm entertainment was free and quite varied). Point is, this is a college. It's gross, and the general public shouldn't have been there, but it's a college, not a high school. Dear parents - don't take your kids to a drag show. Dear College kids - just because you can, doesn't mean you should.

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WTF r we parents allowing our children to b exposed to this fetish??? God save our children!!

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The fact that this isn't being investigated by any kind of national or federal authority system further pushes the point that American society is spiraling out of control and going in a downward spiral.

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