Pull your kids out. That school district is not educating your kids; they are indoctrinating your kids. Yes, I know this means you will have to pay for private school and/or stay at home but count the cost. Marxist subversion is coming to a school near you....

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What adds salt to the wound, taxpayers are footing the bill for these disgusting displays of vulgarity. Pull your kids out if you can and haven’t been indoctrinated into accepting wokism for fear of being labeled a homophobe. But write your state representatives and get them to put an end to this deranged nonsense.

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Taxpayers are footing the bill because we have no choice. That is why government is a crime syndicate. Why not give us our portion of property taxes to send our child to school of our choice? I think you know the answer...that is why writing state reps is a waste of time. They have very little control over the local school board.

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Then find out who *is* in charge and write to them. Or, run for one of the seats on the school board. Take control back from the evil that has sprung from the gates of hell.

We must stand together and support each other during this time of conflict. These creatures know that what they are doing is evil. They sugarcoat it to make it seem innocent or to make themselves seem innocent, but they know what they are doing and they know that it is evil. In spite of what they say, they speak with forked tongue.

The only way to defeat them is to use their tactics against them. Run against the woke. If you can’t find someone to write to, become whomever you need to become in order to complete the mission of taking back the school, taking back the education authorities, and taking back control.

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I like your moxie...I really do. Call me a terrible cynic but our entire system is corrupt - inside and out. True you could probably take back your school board but what about the NEA? What about the state? DC? Dept of Education? Too many evil fingers in the pot...and you know that writing a letter is pointless unless there is a check in that envelope for whomever's reelection campaign.

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Never give in to the elephant. He must still be eaten one bite at a time. We, as individuals, cannot do everything. We can only do what we can do. This is why we must stand together. We must work together. Because only together can we consume the entire elephant.

Years ago, I attended a training event. I couldn’t even tell you what it was about, I just remember one particular concept that I learned. We live inside three concentric circles. Inside the smallest circle, that is our circle of control. Inside that circle are all the things we can control and have control over. Usually, for most of us, that’s family, certain aspects of our job, and possibly a few other areas of interest. Politicians have a bit more inside that circle, but for most of us, we don’t have a lot of control.

The next circle is our circle of influence, things we have no direct control over, but we can influence those who do. I shouldn’t need to explain this, because by now you should be getting the message.

And you should be able to guess the next circle. The things over which we have neither control nor influence.

The message of the training was basically the Golden Rule. Don’t sweat the stuff you cannot change but do what you can within the two smaller circles. Do what you can to increase them in size. That’s all we can do and I suggest that we do it. Don’t worry about that exterior circle. It will just lead to frustration and defeat.

I try to expand my circle of influence. When something is important to me and I see an opportunity to engage my Congressmen, I not only write to them, I send a copy of the letter to my friends and my social media followers. They can use it to send their own letters to their own Congressmen. I’ve had people not only do that, but send me back a copy of the letter I sent them only better. I find myself saying, “Why didn’t I think of that? I should have mentioned this particular bit in my letter.” In other words, I saw that my circle of influence had expanded, ever so slightly.

I hope these words resonate with you. I hope more decent, patriotic Americans start working together to expand their circles. Alone, we can’t do very much, but together, we can build the Egyptian pyramids.

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You have basically said what I have said all along...we need to be active locally in our communities. That is where we can effect the most change. At the Federal level, all is lost. Even at state level, it is pointless. What really matters is where you live.

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The problem with the internet is it used to be a guy who liked peanut butter rubbed on his crotch while chewing on tin foil would just think to himself "damn I'm weird". Now he can find a bunch of other freaks into the same and worse- so it validates the sickness. Rather than seek help- they are emboldened. This just promotes sicker behaviors- lap dances for minor girls by men in women's clothing. If this was a man in men's clothing- he would be arrested. What is the difference?

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Perverts will do pervert things. So sad to see these demonically possessed people preying on kids..

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Problem is when you use words like "pervert" and "demon...", whether you're correct or not, you're not taken seriously, not by the right and definitely not by the left.

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You're probably correct. Not many take the truth seriously anymore as you watch the decline of morals in this world. Everyone does what's right in their own eyes, and that just leads to more confusion as all absolute boundaries become blurred and jumbled.

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At least some parts of US culture seem to be rejecting the pronoun cult? Definitely seems like time to get people out of public schools though.


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Pull your kids out of public schools. Enroll them in home school, private school, or charter school. Support vouchers. Run for school board. Support conservatives for school board.

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If you're an adult and you stood by and laughed and cheered YOU'RE THE PROBLEM.

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Did we always have such weirdos??

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Yes. But now they are being given a platform by the Marxists. They have to tear down our society to remake it. Lenin, Pol Pot, Mao, and others have tried...and failed. But at a tremendous lost of life. Human life is not worth anything to Marxists....and the fact that they will pervert your children proves my point.

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Yes; but they were 'in the closet'. We invited them 'out' because we didn't want to be mean and hateful and felt sympathy for them. We were wrong.

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Most honest psychologists will tell you that folks caught up in this gender confusion mess have mental problems. Very few people truly have gender dysphoria...most folks are jumping on the wagon because they have 'issues'

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I know you're spot on; my sister is a psychologist and we have had this discussion before. "True" gender dysphoria is said to be very rare.....but there is no lack of 'issues' among the people we see at the forefront of the 'trans' war and many who have taken up this cause.

Nonetheless, many of us wanted to be sympathetic, or at least NOT mean spirited. I guess those of us that let those 'feelings' win out are partially to blame. Honestly, I don't know.

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There is nothing wrong with being civil - even to those who we disagree with or who we think are crazy. But civility is a two way street and lately the trans crowd is very militant. Drag shows at schools is case in point.

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100% agree. And a huge portion of it is mid-late teen females adopting a male persona. For whatever reason.

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What is the point of having drag queens at a school? It’s cabaret. Schools are not nightclubs.

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Just disgusting

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The worse it gets, the more they double down.

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OK, just to make sure, everyone's clear, this IS a Junior College, not a high school. The fact that underage kids were allowed to the event is pretty gross, but this is NOT a high school. The young lady in the chair is very likely a college student (although, I would have been horrified at that age to have a giant man rub his bits all on me even if he was dressed in lady foam and makeup). And yes, when I was in college, you had to go off campus to find that kind of pro entertainment (although the on campus dorm entertainment was free and quite varied). Point is, this is a college. It's gross, and the general public shouldn't have been there, but it's a college, not a high school. Dear parents - don't take your kids to a drag show. Dear College kids - just because you can, doesn't mean you should.

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The little girl in the photo is not college age. Also, it is a tax payer funded SCHOOL.

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Agreed. This is the gross part. But when I clicked in, I thought it was a high school event. This is outrageous at a taxpayer funded JuCo. The lap dance would be illegal as criminal sexual contact of a minor at a high school. If the (college aged) young lady didn’t know she was going to be lap danced, I’d say she still has a legal case, but a minor can’t consent to such activity.

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WTF r we parents allowing our children to b exposed to this fetish??? God save our children!!

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Nationwide school choice for all children/families is the surest and quickest way to end this indoctrination of our children. Special shame on those who run for office promising school choice and then not delivering. (e.g.Shapiro of Pa.)

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The fact that this isn't being investigated by any kind of national or federal authority system further pushes the point that American society is spiraling out of control and going in a downward spiral.

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Mar 28, 2023
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What sucks for me and quite a few people I know because of this relatively new inclusion of trans activism et al, I'm now (again) perceived as "deviant" and everything else the straight society says. It's really the fault of the LGBTQ community for sort of "adopting" them. In the eighties when I was going through all of this stuff (coming out?...I guess, if you want to call it that), drag queens and drag shows themselves were just part of the scenery in bars & clubs and something one had to suffer through. Honestly, it was a means to bring money and cocaine dealers into the clubs in order to make MONEY. Now, straight liberals and legit trans people have taken over and it's a free-for-all assault on American society in general. "Accept me or I'm gonna start breaking things" or " You better use the right pronouns". They're taking a page from BLM's playbook apparently. Complete bullshit what's going on. I read your comment and unfortunately I have to agree with a lot of it.

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May 2, 2023
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It's not a "choice" just like my blue eyes I came with. I'm probably the most empathetic person you could meet and although I've tried, I don't think I'll ever understand how people think this way.

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I should add - I was born this way, which to me, your comment makes it seem as if it's something somebody has "done" to make me this way or "doing" to further my gay agenda. I may be wrong on that, but just to be clear, because I can tell you're coming from a place where your religion plays into your worldview...

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