Keep fighting - we have your back

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We all owe you a great debt for the hugely significant work you continue to do to shine a light on the Libs of Tik Tok. Thanks so much. I'm glad you've been taken off the BLOCKED list. I found it so frustrating that Google blocked access to your posts. Glad to be able to subscribe & to support your efforts on our behalf.

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Knowledge is power! Keep spreading the word!

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Just subscribed. Keep up the good work.

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You should read this: https://downloads.ctfassets.net/nhduxlsunsu5/Pkc9NqBd0GcmImTHuqzBy/773b3517f2fef9b5e8a860c2b8e965e8/PF-ESG_Report_2022-803_FINAL-15-.pdf

It's Planet Fitness' ESG report. Everything is about being "judgement free".

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Did you see Dr. Malone's Substack about Stripe requiring detailed account linkage for Substack payments? https://open.substack.com/pub/rwmalonemd/p/stripe-substack-demand-financial

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