Another thing to point out is that Stabbing is primarily a male committed crime. Yes a wife will stab her husband to death after sustained abuse but to murder a random person by stabbing is something men do. Women poison. Yet another way that this MAN acts like a man.

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None of the media sites I checked mentioned his trans status.

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Thanks- the local media has been completely silent on this point. Great work as usual.

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May 30·edited May 30

I think what is needed are a series of mass class action suits against the doctors who prescribe the (horrific doses) of hormones necessary to produce the secondary sexual characteristics in an opposite sexed person. Every website that discusses side effects of pharmaceuticals documents these well known serious side effects. The warnings concerning testosterone are crystal clear. The primary (dangerous) side effect is aggression. And any female on too strong of birth control knows what happens when you get too much estrogen: just plain rage!! In no way should this be a reason to excuse the creepy trans folks who commit these crimes--they can read the drug warning sheets as readily as anyone, but the greedy "professional" medical folks directing the physical transitions certainly are aware of these widely know side effects and need to be held accountable for these deaths and injuries. The media has gone so far woke they remain silent and won’t tell the public, but a few very expensive law suits that then make it cost- prohibitive for doctors to obtain necessary liability insurance to protect their practice, their medical license, and their income might actually turn the tide. And they really are educated enough to be well aware of the risks and harm but still choose to cash in on this lucrative practice.

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Hold the phone! Have a look at them pictures! In the one where he's got a NASA shirt on and a pink g-string under them frilly pantaloons, he's doing the double "OK" hand sign. He's such a victim of oppression that the trauma caused him to become a white supremacist! Society is to blame here. They're always to blame, every time.

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Trans people need good counseling.

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Is there still a debate as to whether "trans" and "mental illness" are not linked? They may not all be murderous but to a person there is mental illness involved. That is clear.

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When I was a baby trans, all I wanted was to skip through the world without having rocks thrown at me.

Apparently I set the bar way too low, and now I see the error of my ways. I should have wanted to go around killing girls out of my jealousy for their being prettier and more girly than I.

Wow. how many more of us nut job transy killers has the world got to endure before they start throwing rocks at us again?

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