Is it really horrible to kinda want the next victims of transgender or illegal alien criminals to be far leftists so maybe they will wake up. I mean there are going to be victims, better them than normal people who don't need to be kicked in the face by the truth.
No matter how much lipstick you user, mentally unbalanced is mentally unbalanced. How long before people figure out that "transgender" is a euphemism for "mentally unbalanced"? Don't expect the media to ever figure it out or admit it but regular people should be smarter than that.
Messed up thing is that most people are not going to be looking for a man meaning that he could be walking around and no one is going to even think of him because these idiots are calling him a woman. In the arrest picture that is a man and most normal people don't see these men as women, even when they are in costume. Plus now it's going to be put in the stats as a crime committed by women, this way they can hide the real stats of trans people committing crimes. So sick of all of this crap
And the MSM wonder why they are held in such low regard and believed to be one of the major sources of FAKE NEWS !
He was killing me softly with his words. This is the third tranzy killer story in 7 days. Hummm.
“The story the media doesn’t want you to know about.” Until one of their own gets murdered.
Is it really horrible to kinda want the next victims of transgender or illegal alien criminals to be far leftists so maybe they will wake up. I mean there are going to be victims, better them than normal people who don't need to be kicked in the face by the truth.
Tell me again that this is NOT mental illness.
The wisest comment that President Trump ever said was that "The Media are the True Enemy of the People"...Still true!!
As always the media keeps the lie going just like satan , their father, wants them to.
No matter how much lipstick you user, mentally unbalanced is mentally unbalanced. How long before people figure out that "transgender" is a euphemism for "mentally unbalanced"? Don't expect the media to ever figure it out or admit it but regular people should be smarter than that.
Messed up thing is that most people are not going to be looking for a man meaning that he could be walking around and no one is going to even think of him because these idiots are calling him a woman. In the arrest picture that is a man and most normal people don't see these men as women, even when they are in costume. Plus now it's going to be put in the stats as a crime committed by women, this way they can hide the real stats of trans people committing crimes. So sick of all of this crap