My new approach is unsubscribing from any email with a rainbow flag. Ignore any business with kids and pride themes. I have no issue with gay people, but we all know this has nothing to do with any sexual orientation except pedophile, which I do have an issue with.

I have a BIG issue with Carters, A&F kids, Bloomingdale’s, Barnes and Noble kids, and countless others sending me “pride celebrations” aimed at my elementary school kids. They aren’t in public school for a reason, and I’m not buying your junk if you think it’s a good marketing ploy to normalize sexualization of kids years shy of puberty. It’s grooming!

Who thinks openly advocating for child sexualization, sterilization, and genital mutilation will ever be a good or moral idea? Oh yeah, the American media, Academia, Democrats, and a bunch of CEO’s (especially Disney). Sick and sad.

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There is a MUCH bigger agenda at play here involving billionaire funding as well as the MEDICAL INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX who wants to groom our children to be patients for LIFE. Hormone therapies and self mutilating surgeries is a multi BILLION dollar industry

They are LITERALLY grooming children to TRANS IDEOLOGY

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100%!!! 16 year olds with osteoporosis and 18 year olds needing hysterectomies and boys trying to create fake girl parts with their colon fails most of the time and the complications are astronomically expensive.

Puberty blockers permanently drop intelligence and cross-sex hormones cause enormous cardiovascular and endocrine damage which require more big pharma subscription plans.

Opioids, hormones, Covid shots - nothing but big pharma subscriptions to reallocate our tax dollars to the medical industrial complex.

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Exactly. Always follow the money. At $550 cash minimum and at least 1 million surgeries a year, abortion is the most common surgery for American women. Abortion is a Business, first and foremost. Currently, half of all women who abort each year have already done it at least once before. Half.


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Just yesterday I got a rainbow email from Babbel, the popular foreign language learning software that's been around since 2008. Unsubscribed and uninstalled software. Why, Babbel? Your product doesn't need to have anything to do with this stuff? Why?

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I'm subscribing to help you keep the information flowing.

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Best monthly subscription I have

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This is what is called “repressive tolerance”, a term coined by Herbert Marcuse, according to James Lindsay’s New Discourses. All speech and behavior from the Left must be tolerated, even violence, while the opposition, conservative or mainstream liberal must be silenced, and even prevented from thinking contrary to the Woke radical agenda, if possible.

This is not just “street-level” thuggery, it is baked into the architecture of New Left theory in action.

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Chaia, There is something i think you need to know about WHY this is happening and WHO is FUNDING TRANS/CRT ideology in our public schools across the country.

I am BANNED from Twitter for telling too many truths. My account suspension is PERMANENT. I am an Independent, but lean Conservative on social issues.

It rips me up inside that I can't comment on your threads with this info, as I see MANY commenters asking why this is being done to children, and WHO is behind it

Bill Gates and the GATES foundation funded COMMON CORE, a horrifying curriculum that saw to the dumbing down of 2 generations of American kids.

What billionaire money is behind trans/CRT ideology? GATES FOUNDATION , SOROS open society Foundation. Soros is the top donor to DEMOCRATS and has also put 100's of millions behind Dem DA's in Dem states and cities that refuse to prosecute crime. One of those DA's was RECALLED in SF, Cali today.

Aside from Gates and Soros there is the MEDICAL INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX behind the funding of trans ideology, hence why it is so pervasive. THIS IS GROOMING alright, but for the purpose of creating.MORE Trans children who will become PATIENTS FOR LIFE, via hormone therapy, counseling and grotesque self mutilation through surgeries, often multiple.

The idea is to plant a seed in a child's head, to make Trans APPEALING, hence causing confusion.. For children in today's society, LGBTQT IS COOL.

This is about the moral and integral break down of family systems, the absence of our Lord and Savior as head of the nuclear family. Kids are extremely vulnerable due to poor home lives, wanting to be accepted among peers etc TEACHERS ARE TO ENCOURAGE THIS, as you have aptly shown through videos you've posted

In order to answer some of the questions people have as to WHY this is occurring, big money donors, and agendas must be exposed. The medical industrial complex and the billionaires funding this are WELL ORGANIZED.

And we would do best to do the same

For ALL our children..

PLEASE, PLEASE research. This is all I can say now.


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Population control and reduction is the ultimate goal here. If children are taught to reject sex then there ultimately will be many fewer people in the world. This is why many societies reject this because it weakens them and will reduce the number of contributing people until either they are enslaved by stronger tribes or the population crashes.

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Just subscribed

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Sad to say, it appears we need new statewide and possibly federal legislation protecting kids from trans indoctrination, drag shows, Pride Events and of course medical conversions to the opposite sex. They can't tell us we started it. We are just responding to their corruption. There is no way we could think this stuff up!!

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This is so disturbing. You are a true super hero spreading awareness and shutting the grossness down!

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This is not the first time in history that all of this has happened. Why do all the major religions and traditional societies and customs reject this? I think if we study history we will find that this all is a symptom of societal rot. Nothing new here. There is a strong mind virus strain for minor attracted people. The damage is has done through history is amazing.

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I would recommend you post on Truth Social.

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I wish RuPaul would step up and say "Not for children", because if anyone knows "drag", it's him. Maybe not. RuPaul caved to the "trans" community after decades (maybe centuries?) of everyone knowing drag queens are gay men dressing up like women.

"RuPaul's Drag Race" started in 2009 on TV!! I don't remember it inspiring millions of kids to become drag queens, let alone ever being marketed to children.

It's become a hard-core political demand from leftists. No one *MUST* accept it, but most of all - no one can be forced into participating.

How sad is a world, where laws have to be created, so we can say "no".

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Jun 10, 2022Edited
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Have you seen what’s going on in Canada? The laws they’ve passed Mandating this crap? I feel sorry for the parents trying to raise normal kids there

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Jun 10, 2022
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But to know WHY this is being done is CRITICAL in knowing who we are really fighting with for a normal life in school for kids.

Trans ideology or rather GENDER DYSPHORIA is a mental illness. And the younger a child is groomed to think this is a "Cool" way of being, the more likely he/she may end up suffering with this and become the MEDICAL INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX patients for LIFE

Trans is a multi billion dollar industry


The forces behind this are well organized and grooming is exactly what is happening

Part of the battle here is the mass propaganda over many MANY years to make LGBTQ ACCEPTED AS A WAY OF LIFE

This is why parents go along. Morality is GONE


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