Wow Chaya you are some brave, feisty woman and I love you! You covered all this and here it is in a nutshell:

1. Legit bomb threat. Find the coward.

2. Fake bomb threat by a gender activist . Find the coward.

3. Hospital fake media spin bomb threat. Find the coward.

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Of course they don’t, since the threat turned out to be fake, they can’t blame conservatives

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Sep 7, 2022·edited Sep 7, 2022

They want it to be a real threat so they can blame conservatives.

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As I mentioned last week, the WaPo reporting was particularly breathless in its dishonesty. I'm not a fan of much of the right wing media either, fwiw, but it's been a particularly long fall for the alleged newspaper of record for the country.

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Please continue to be brave and do the right thing and report the truth! There are so many people out there who believe you, believe in you, and will support you and come to your defense if necessary. Your work is vital to truth getting out and evil getting a spotlight shined on it. It is waking up more and more people every day, so don't get discouraged by the opposition's ridiculous complaints and threats. They just don't realize how outnumbered they are in the general public and their position is indefensible if it went out to the general public. Praying for your safety and the safety of your family as well.

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Thank you for doing this

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What a dystopian nightmare our country has become. We have feminist bitches like Taylor Lorenz deciding what we are allowed to read and/or listen to. If she really cared about ANYTHING, she would be writing articles about things that matter to women such as the rise in sex trafficking with young children - specifically girls, the rise in female clitoral mutilation by third world cultures, the total perversion of women's athletics via transgenderism, etc. It amazes me that feminists are all quiet about these things. Where are they? Hello? Is Taylor Lorenz the best they can come up with? Sad.

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They're busy being called TERFs and swallowed whole by the woke LGBTQIAOMGMAKEITSTOP monster they created.

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Love the elderly comment to washed up Taylor!!!!!!! She’s so mad she’s a bland and irrelevant now middle aged woman clinging desperately to delusions of grandeur with her homely look and mean middle school girl personality. 😂😂😂😂😂.

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That response from Ms Lorenz sounds like a parent disciplining a child. ‘Are you going to behave? If you’re not, then you don’t get to play with your toy’. She is a horrible person a deserves to be destroyed professionally

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They (establishment media propagandists) hate how you keep and share your receipts. "Crybully" Taylor Lorenz is hilarious. Keep the pressure on them!

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All of the opposition media sources have “dozens” of actual readers. Keep doing what your doing till it bleeds daylight….

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Bruce Cockburn fan?

“When you're lovers in a dangerous time

Sometimes you're made to feel as if your love's a crime

Nothing worth having comes without some kind of fight

Got to kick at the darkness till it bleeds daylight”

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It has been frightening to learn that most people do not think for themselves. That they will not look at Libs Of TikTok and draw their own conclusions. This is how I found LOT, from a smear. Being always curious, I checked it out and found it to have been seriously misrepresented.

We are living in times that call for courage and not civil, but social, disobedience.

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When a corrupt agency (Healthcare) physically and emotionally abuses children in a permanent manner, and the corrupt agencies in charge of holding them accountable don't do their job, and the corrupt agencies in charge of protecting the children don't do their job, I would say that some people might think that this borderlines a whatever-it-takes scenario.

I'm keeping my personal opinion on the matter out of it.

But who's inciting violence?

Are the people angry because of what LOTT said?


They're angry because of what those corrupt doctors did. Let's put the blame where it belongs, shall we?

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Want us to go on Twitter and tell Lorenz to leave you alone?

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And yes, thank you, Chaya. You are a bastion of hope to many families.

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Ze/zir was a nice touch!

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Removing the teeth from the wolves by trying to keep violence out of it so that they don't have any "the Right uses bomb threats" ammo, and proving that the threat was all a big lie is "helping groomers"?

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I'm not implying any sympathy for the hospital staff. Not one iota.

But the funding will shine a light on the hypocrisy of the accusation that LOTT caused this and doesn't care about victims of violence.

It shows that the Left doesn't care either and it was all a trash campaign.

I don't agree with everyone on the right. Not even close. But we're in a culture war. And sometimes you have to fight alongside people who aren't exactly your friends. Or you can ostracize them all and fight alone. History has some good examples of how that will go.

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And I'm not at all justifying alignment with a neo-nazi agenda.

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Well put.

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