Cult of Moloch.

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At this point, the question must be: why? Why would this idea be pushed so hard, why now, what's the goal? It is so outrageously wrong and baseless, there has to be a reason. We need to start grilling everyone: show the evidence that justifies this, prove the necessity and benefit. Risk and reward studies. Where the long term studies that must precede long term consequences.

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It's top down, so someone(s) at the very top has a desperate desire to normalize transsexualness -which leads me to think it likely that the TOP DOG(S) in this globalist cabal is a tranny, or married/partnered to one.

Maybe it's all of them.

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That's the mundane explanation. The scarier possibility is that Satan is driving this bus, and the top dogs are devout satanists.

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Ancient image of Satan is Baphomet who has a goat head, a woman's breasts, and a man's penis.

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Risk benefit studies have changed because of Covid. “Risk” is related to possible lawsuits, not patent risk. “Benefits” is now related to $Billion profits, not patent outcomes. Like the higher education industrial complex, there’s more interest in incomes than outcomes.

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This is shocking and horrifying. I wouldn't want to ever get service from Kaiser Permanente. I hope their entire patient base sues them. Fortunately, I'm not one of them.

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“Do no harm” has been replaced with “what brings in the big bucks.” May KP be sued out of existence.

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When Kaiser (appropriate name) has had enough law suits that end up costing more than the money they can earn from the surgeries, suddenly, they will change their transgender “philosophy” I’m sure their hospitable Bean Counter has already made a bet on this. I hope it back fires in their face.

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Permanente .....

Should change their name to Kaiser Permanent Damage

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The medical industry are losing all creditability with all their mistakes on Covid & now Transgenderism

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It's a money maker. That's been admitted, but it is so bizarre and the acceptance of it is as well...one has to keep wondering why loving parents, grandparents and others in a child's life have allowed these attacks on youth. Frankly, why are there still children in schools?? They are rapidly becoming state property.

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FFS. At a time when these children need love and mental health care, the twisted parents and “people in charge” fuck them up even more. Shame on KP. This is outrageous!

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A typo, I think:

"First, the learning objections state that employees..." should read, IINM, "First, the learning objectives state that employees...".

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Follow the money. Sue them and they will stop this.

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Another typo, I think:

"In the training video, a young boy who now identifies as a girl, discusses how he always knew he was a boy from age 4." should read, IINM, "...discusses how he always knew he was a girl from age 4."

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That's disgusting.

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Mutilation and Castration of Children vs. reduced profits and no summer homes in Lake Tahoe for the executives? Tough decision....

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Good for her on outing them! It’s a terrible idea and to promote it in this way is wicked. The people behind it are evil. Unfortunately, even though they have been outed, being in Commiefornia, I doubt anything good will come of it. In fact, I think they will be lauded by Newsom.

I used to think that they were a great hospital. My husband was treated there years ago during a visit to my sister’s home. (I live in the free state of Texas.) He was treated so extremely well that I would never consider going anywhere else if anything happened to me during any visit.

I’m so disappointed.😔

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Hypocritical Oath “Do No Harm” unless you can cash the check!

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How the mighty have fallen....I used KP in the 2002-2003 era. Never now. There are few institutions left that aren’t profit first, patient last.

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