Mina’s World, a cafe in Philadelphia that prided itself in being “Queer-owned,” has officially closed its doors after a woke employee revolt. The cafe was owned by Kate Egghart and Sonam Parikh, two queer activists who started Mina’s in an effort to create an inclusive coffee shop. However, their employees have claimed Egghart and Parikh are anti-black and “gentrifiers.” Gentrifier is a woke term used to describe those who purposely contribute to the displacement of low-income families. Mina’s World was located just around the corner from Malcolm X Park in Philadelphia and employed mostly minority workers.
Ironically— prior to the allegations from employees—Parikh spoke to Bon Appetit about the opening of Mina’s World and said when she worked at different coffee shops, “white ownership neglected to protect their Black and trans employees. I knew there needed to be a space where you could have an amazingly made cup of coffee that’s not whitewashed.”
Fast forward two years and employees of Mina’s World have put out a public statement where they claimed they were suffering from a plethora of “systemic” woes as a result of the alleged gentrification including “employer opposition” and “anti-blackness.”
Employees expanded on these woes in their public “List of Grievances" which is basically a bunch of empty buzzwords to generate outrage and included no substantial evidence to back up their claims.
As if it couldn’t get any worse, the employees also demanded that the owners “redistribute the business” to them.
Egghart and Parikh responded to their employees’ demands in a hostage-style video in which they repeatedly apologized for being gentrifiers. Egghart spoke next to Parikh saying, “We’re going live as part of a radical accountability process. We’re complicit in the gentrification and anti-blackness on 52nd Street. We put our community at risk with our presence as well as our workers.”

The two owners agreed to attempt to hand over ownership of Mina’s saying, “With the guidance of the workers and Black and Brown Workers Collective, we’re trying to raise funds to buy the business and turn it over to our staff.”
The hostile takeover quickly backfired on the woke employees as the owner of the building where Mina’s World is housed listed the property for sale.
Despite the owners of Mina’s World being radically progressive, with Philly Eats even calling the cafe a “queer haven,” Egghart and Parikh were still cannibalized by the woke mob and Mina’s World has officially closed its doors for good this week.
Egghart and Parikh’s surrender to the outrage shows a point proven again and again— no matter how many times you bend the knee to the mob, you will never be able to adhere to their insatiable standards for progressive enlightenment. No matter how much of an “ally” you are, you will never be safe from becoming just another trophy head on the wall of wokeism.
A message from our friends at United Patriot
The liberals are back at it again... it seems like canceling Dr. Seuss was not enough! They're calling this mug "Racist" just like the books... Can you believe it? They have taken it way too far this time with their cancel culture! Stick up to ‘em by snagging one of these mugs - Each mug is proudly printed in America, help fight back by getting your own!
Grab your own here: The Dems Continue Their Tyranny - AOC Calls for Ban on Innocent Mug!
I read this article and had to keep reminding myself "this is not satire, this is not satire."
I love when people immediately jump to “etc, etc” after providing only a single example. Great way to let us know how empty their minds are.