I read this article and had to keep reminding myself "this is not satire, this is not satire."

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Literally same as I was putting this story together

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Jul 5, 2022Liked by Libs of TikTok

It's tough on the Babylon Bee. Every time they come up with an idea some Lefty actually does it rendering the satire moot.

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I guess that's the origin of 'Not the Bee'

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I'm sorry. Please explain. I don't understand.

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They also publish a series of articles called 'Not the Bee' that are true stories and are similar to the one published above..

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I hadn't seen that. Thanks for alerting me to it.

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Jul 5, 2022Liked by Libs of TikTok

I would have felt more sympathy for them had they put on their big queer pants, and stood up to the mob. But they're obviously of that same mindset.

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Unfortunately many people on the Left side of the aisle are brazen cowards when confronted by members of their own group. They are shallow thinkers who have never examined their belief set and don't have a capacity to intellectually support it when challenged.

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Big queer panties.

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...as in fair trade, sewed on machines powered by solar energy in a cooperative in Timbuktu by women rescued from the slave trade, using wholly handspun 100% recycled cotton waste from certified organic hemp. Unisex style.

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Forced labor with a heaping side of wokeness.

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Jul 5, 2022Liked by Libs of TikTok

I love when people immediately jump to “etc, etc” after providing only a single example. Great way to let us know how empty their minds are.

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“Etc etc” is doing a lot of heavy lifting there

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“Mountains of evidence” - 💩

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"The mountain of evidence is so large we can't show it to you."

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They’re never happy; there’s never enough for them. I love it when liberals eat their own and end up with nothing.

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You will never appease them no matter how many times you bow down and apologize.

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Communism at work

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Jul 5, 2022Liked by Libs of TikTok

Seems all of this insanity is used as a cover for messed up screwballs. I.e., rather than confronting their own problems and demons and working on them, the problems with their work, relationships, finances, etc are always the fault of someone else. That's an age old problem for all of humanity (blaming others for your failings and problems) but "intellectuals" and other cultural leaders have *created* and *promoted* this destructive insanity of infinite narcissism, providing the worst screwballs with a vehicle for faux moral and intellectual credibility.

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They could have borrowed from Homer Stokes and added the following to their grievences, cronyism, nepotism, racialism and service to the Innarests!

You can't even make this stuff up.

A restaurant owner in the city my restaurant is in, had spent years in Viet Nam learning how to make dumplings and various pastry. She had a very vibrant business, but her crime was being of Nordic descent, right down to her blue eyes and blond hair. Facebook blew up one day accusing her of cultural appropriation, and other bs, and she fell all over herself apologizing, but it did no good. She closed within a month and deprived the community of some amazing VN cuisine.

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What a sad story.

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Jul 5, 2022Liked by Libs of TikTok

We've learned you can't apologize. If you do, the Left goes in for the kill.

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While if you stand up straight, the Right comes in to support! Get woke go broke.

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Goya Foods came to mind. The CEO stood up and didn't apologize and sales went way up. I bet they are still way up.

Jordan Peterson stood up and it made him an international celebrity.

People admire courage based on principles.

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Jul 5, 2022Liked by Libs of TikTok

Frankly, i think they deserve to go under for caving to the socialist labor takeover, but before apologizing they could have put out a video saying they're bringing in a legal arbitrator to hear both sides.

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They’re the socialist takeover themselves. They probably just realised they were privately owning the means of production. No pity for these clowns.

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Jul 5, 2022Liked by Libs of TikTok

Stop apologizing to fools. clowns, and evil hateful morons

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Jul 5, 2022Liked by Libs of TikTok

Woke is as woke does

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These lunatics waste their entire life playing semantics gymnastics with undefinable nonsense. Then they get angry about being broke loners as if it’s some shock that reality doesn’t reward 99.9% of those who spend their time pontificating about nonsense with friends and riches. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

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I'm thinking the real "gentrifiers" are the ones' feeding this BS in to people's heads. Probably members of OFA with advanced degrees and dumb as rocks.

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Like the French Revolution, the Night of the Long Knives (with Adolph Hitler), Stalin’s purges and Mao’s Red Guards, radicals eventually “eat their own”. And while this is not nearly as bloody, it serves as a reminder to those who espouse “woke” ideology. At some point, the movement will pass by you and your ideology and then you will be the object of scorn, ridicule or worse by others who think that you are a “re-visionist”. But until that time, rock on.

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worse thing about it is that mealy mouthed apology to satisfy the assholes. Always falls on deaf ears and humiliates the (in their foolish minds) well intentioned woke fools who comply with their sicko enemies. You can't ever satisfy the insane left.

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This, my friends, is called poetic justice.

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I think it is beyond the simplicity of a mob. The demise of this business was clearly planned by the Black & Brown Cooperative which is a Marxist group. That these owners went willingly to the chopping block is a sad harbinger. As Marxist groups grow larger, they have more power to demand that they become owners in a 'cooperative' arrangement, driving out private capital. It is hard to effectively run a business so the 'cooperative' fails. Then the workers have nothing. And, we cannot buy good coffee.

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The revolution always eats its own children...

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Or aborts them...

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How is that mug even racist though? And rip to what seemed like a spot enjoyed by a lot. It's a shame when even your woke comrades turn on you. I hope these owners use this as a learning experience that wokeness and cancel culture are toxic and have grave consequences

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The owners are woke lunatics themselves. They probably just realised that they were being capitalists and self destructed...

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I wonder how many people they did this to prior to opening this coffee shop.

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You're probably right. They probably chalked it up as "not all woke people are like this"

Lather, rinse, do this to others, repeat.

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