Thank God for the likes of you AND Elon Musk👏👏👏👏

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I wish my brother was alive, and I could ask him what he thinks of all this. He was gay at a time when people were still in the closet afraid to come out AIDS was an epidemic, and you truly suffered with your identity. I would think he would disapprove of all of this That’s going on right now. Back then people disapproved of gays. I’m sure he would be saying that these radical transgenders are giving gays a bad name. He fiercely protected his nieces and nephews

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LOTT & Bari Weiss’s The Free Press are invaluable sites that help counter the dangerous inanities of these monstrosities camouflaging themselves as the true protectors of Liberty when in reality they are nothing more than anarchists!

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Thus far, Elon seems to be able to straddle the fence and successfully pander to both sides on different issues. I hope he really does provide an ADL data dump...

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Holy moly, thank you for your work. Sadly I'm sure that's not the only horrifying message you've gotten.

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The ADL was formed with a noble cause but has sadly turned into an arm of the Obama regime with Jonathan Greenblatt at the helm. Yes, I said, Obama regime, because Biden is essentially Obama's third term.

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Keep up the great work! The left is terrified of you!

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ADL, ACLU, HRC, GLAAD, ACON, Stonewall, SPLC, are we seeing a pattern here?

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Proof positive that They/Them = Unhinged

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