This is a “first world problem,” and I notice it is especially prevalent among white, upper middle class children. The mothers I have observed seem to enjoy the attention and I can’t help but think Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy.

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One needn’t be a bona fide psychologist to understand that a young person who comes to see him or herself as transgender might be experiencing social or emotional problems that precede concerns about their gender identity, or is simply under the influence of a peer contagion. What gender-affirming care really means is sacrificing a kid’s psychological and emotional needs for the sake of a political and ideological stance. It’s the abdication of adult responsibility toward kids.


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Leave. Children. Alone.

[Then check out unskool.substack.com]

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What a nightmarish situation... we need more people to wake up!

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Again - Excellent article Libs of TikTok!

When I read this article, the one thing that popped in my head (aside from my disgust) is "follow the money." We know that the health care industry is corrupt - COVID showed that in living color. I call it the Pharma-industrial-complex and rightly so. It is NOT about the Hippocratic Oath - it's all about greed. Kaiser Permanente is looking for more revenue streams and butchering kids is just another way to pay for the second and third vacation homes for doctors and board members. So, all this virtue signaling on respecting fluid gender roles is just the bullshit cover for making more money. Clearly this is a war on the families and the sanctity of our God-given traits. We are now gods and can remake someone into something else. I used to think evil described people like Hitler and Pol Pot but it can be as mundane as your local doctor looking to pad his profits. May God watch over today's families as they have to deal with this latest intrusion into their home.

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Why are insurance companies paying for this? Maybe that’s where we should start. I had to pay for my Lasik surgery because it was cosmetic even though I was definitely myopic.

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Yikes! I used to work at a Kaiser in research- I valued them for being evidence-based. That obviously has changed.

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Josef Mengele meets ‘Isle of Doctor Moreau’.

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"The Platinum Rule" is capitalism doing the upsell in social justice language https://www.evakurilova.com/p/no-we-dont-need-to-update-the-golden

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"Dr" Kim is a Chinese plant - part of a larger effort to weaken America. It seems to be working.

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I am a "bona fide psychologist", and I was about to minutes away from resigning my license after seeing the mandatory Continuing Education Hours required and endorsed by the American Psychological Association. Sixteen courses on "gender-affirming care" and all of them are reprints of the Kaiser guidelines. Not one single suggestion that the brainwashing AKA "therapy' would require anything close to genuine questioning and helping the person to reach the source of their anxiety and depression. Guidance provided on how to write the professional letter that child mutilators need to deform an adult---or a child. I renewed my license in the hope that one day I'll get a call out of the blue from a lawyer wanting me to testify as an expert in child development, which I am. Let me at 'em...please!

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I am a "bona fide psychologist", and I was about to minutes away from resigning my license after seeing the mandatory Continuing Education Hours required and endorsed by the American Psychological Association. Sixteen courses on "gender-affirming care" and all of them are reprints of the Kaiser guidelines. Not one single suggestion that the brainwashing AKA "therapy' would require anything close to genuine questioning and helping the person to reach the source of their anxiety and depression. Guidance provided on how to write the professional letter that child mutilators need to deform an adult---or a child. I renewed my license in the hope that one day I'll get a call out of the blue from a lawyer wanting me to testify as an expert in child development, which I am. Let me at 'em...please!

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