I'm horrified that the so-called English Language Arts team doesn't seem to actually understand the term "coming of age", or what I more affectionally think of as "Bildungsroman", with all the overtones of a crusty but affectionate German-sounding professor (or perhaps Scottish) complete with white beard, iron-rim glasses, an aura of ineffable and irresistible serious sexiness (a cross between Sean Connery, Michael Fassbinder, and Young Frankenstein's Gene Wilder), and deep knowledge of Austen, Dickens, Alice Walker, Joyce, Voltaire, and if he's extra-provocative, prone to showing Kubric's "Tom Jones" as an AntiBildungsroman example, except for the nude fireside wrestling, which may be problematic for a little Schnuckel! But then, Harper Lee's "To Kill a Mockingbird" may also be extra-problematic (oh, and Alice Walker, and Maya Angelou. and Ralph Ellison and Zora Neale Hurston too) because if it involves a black person, it must be about CRT, hmm? Now that I think about it Mark Haddon is also probably problematic, since we must think about neuroatypical people... A woke nightmare! Well, "Oranges Aren't the Only Fruit" (Winterson) along with "Rubyfruit Jungle" (Brown) would be devastatingly, well, Lesbyterian. Well, Brontë is ok perhaps? Borderline Feminist? Beauvoir is perhaps too feminist, DON'T WANT THAT! Jesus it's hard to figure this Bildungsroman for pre-teens isn't it! With all the moral growth, and finding out that Adults are schmucks generally (Lies about Santa were only the tip of the iceberg!!)

"A Wrinkle in Time" (Ava DuVernay) is probably just infantile enough, and brings up just enough about Sadism to make them interested in De Sade's "Justine" perhaps. Oof! Back to sex fantasy worlds again, sorry!

It's just so hard to be a teacher nowadays, much easier to focus students on nonsense unrelated to literature and the world of ideas I guess.

Ach du Lieber!

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Parental rights are hanging by a thread and schools will just keep doing what they're doing because they can...

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“….the principal who was unaware of the guest in the school as well as the books and subject matter being discussed.”

If he didn’t know, he should be FIRED.

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Were the other books equally woke?

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Honestly, at this point, if you are still sending your children to these indoctrination camps, you're supporting what they are doing. Now is the time for us all the reclaim the nuclear family, live with less on one income and homeschool our kids. It can work, even in tough circumstances, you just have to want it bad enough.

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As Mike Pompeo observed, although perhaps with a little hyperbole to draw attention given that Xi and Putin exist, Randi Weingarten may be the most dangerous person in the world given what her agenda has accomplished in transforming the goals of our public school system. Keep shining the sunlight on such educational perversions.

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Honey, gotta get the memes right. No gay men I know would trick with a cross-dresser. And if you're objecting to a stuffed animal with a rainbow top hat, maybe you should seek professional feedback, and avoid travel to Hawaii. Gay men I know are about as irritated with Gender Bullshit as as anyone. Am I the only one to which this all sounds vaguely Q-Anonish?

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