minneslowta nice huh.....land of the thugs.....baby killers and the apathy towards baby killing leads to this lawlessness...I hope the kid is ok...

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This behavior is allowed, therefore it happens. Liberals are utterly ignorant of human behavior (many clueless suburban whites) and the others are evil marxists who know exactly what they are inflicting on our society.

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Here is an EYE OPENER. The Minnesota Department of Education "Report Card" for the school district: https://rc.education.mn.gov/#mySchool/orgId--10191514000__p--3

It should not really even be called a school. A few "highlights": Less than half of the pupils attend school regularly. Percentage of pupils proficient in Math and Reading: 0%. If the United States survives its present condition and a new era of hope arrives, a wise head of state would abolish the Department of Education, fire most "education professionals", stop the disgraceful waste of the taxpayers' money, and instead devote abundant funding to home-schooling nationwide.

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Dear seemingly brave and introspective but obviously only virtue-signaling imbecile and presumably vastly overpaid school teacher or social worker who has valiantly overcome the white racism you inherited from your hateful parents who gave you life: One reason you are alive today is that you have been fortunate enough not to have had your life snuffed out by a non-white murderer who would kill you for sheer pleasure, being free to do so because your counterparts in the social injustice system refused to even keep him in a cage.

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Have not yet researched the history of deportation, i.e. how it has been done in the past. But today in England, Germany, France, presumably the U.S., it is just a sick joke. At this point in time, there can be only one deportation procedure worth mentioning -- put them into helicopters, in handcuffs and leg irons, and push them out over international waters at a high altitude. Sane, decent people may still be a majority, or at least a mighty and furious minority. Any president who would force through deportation by helicopter would be made king for life, by popular demand.

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Dear Ms. Raichik and team, see the typo: "MOD OF KIDS ..."

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