Until we start making miscreants pay, all of this will continue. By Any Force Necessary, “100 bullets” or not.

Secondly, Ms Pronouns gave away her ‘thought process’ when she declared she ‘was special’. And that is what all this nonsense is about, trying to elevate yourself above others, even if that makes you a freak.

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What's next? Will killing someone who calls you the "N word" be considered justifiable homicide? Hillary Clinton and Biden won Greenwich CT big in the 2016 and 2020 elections, so cannot shed any tears for those residents as a community. Pray that the young woman attacked by these savages will recover without permanent injuries or God knows what.

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Looking for a litmus test to determine if someone has any personal integrity whatsoever?Just ask a cop-hater what would be their first reaction, what would they do instantly, like a knee jerk reflex, if they were to wake up in the middle of the night and hear someone breaking into their apartment. What number would a woman dial on her phone if being followed home late at night by a gang of catcalling men? Ask them if they would ever again talk about "police brutality" after a police officer exercising deadly force saved their life when attacked by bipedal predators.

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TV journalist's name misspelled, should be Julia Hartley-Brewer. And she should win an award :)

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