Sorry, maybe I've been seeing too many reports of outright depraved abuse of children and teenagers recently ... but the story of the Kentucky mom and the school's hits every alarm siren imaginable for me -- above all because of the stipulation that the mother WOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO BE PRESENT. This supposdedly is for dental treatment, not brain surgery, open chest cavity surgery, ultra-cautious safeguards against infection. Echoing the mom, somebody please persuade me that someone does not want these kids unconscious in order to do God knows what to them. This, what I just said ... if someone had said the same to me 5 years ago, I would have just rolled my eyes and told them to stop reading National Enquirer. Living in a different world now, though.

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Well as for that outraged young man from Venezuela ... I know exactly what I would do if subjected to such awful treatment by the people offering me a chance for a new life. Why, I would turn right around and go back to the hell on earth where I came from. That would show them. Or ... maybe just stay and collect social assistance fraud payments for the rest of my life, deal drugs, and enjoy the revolving door of our (In)justice system.

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Dear God!!!!!

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