Old school opinion here.

Men need their own spaces, just like women do. Guys don’t need it for ‘safety’ obviously, but the way they interact with each other is interesting and fully different than women (I don’t really understand it, but it must encourage ‘maleness’). Putting a woman in the mix throws off the dynamic. That’s why there should be no women on the frontline military, sports teams, or even airplane cockpits when lives are at stake. Female firefighters and police officers are also a bad idea as raw strength and courage are needed. Women have their strengths as nuturers. Let men be men and women be women. Society needs families and caregivers, and we also need a strong military, policing, and the building of bridges, dams, roads and buildings. Women can’t ’do it all’ and men can’t have babies. Women’s Lib has created a very unhappy and dysfunctional society. It’s rooted in communism, of course, but all of this gender confusion may partially stem from the lack of adequate role models and heroes, male and female.

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Kathy Hochul and Cruella de Vil are never seen at the same time in the same place.

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Are she and that whitmer woman in Michigan twins? How could the two of them be inflicted on us at the same time?

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That's right! 🤣 I forgot Gretchen the Wretched. The resemblance is uncanny. And maybe Gavin Gruesome is their brother ... demonic triplets born of an evil seed. Can't make this stuff up.

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Hmm? Come to think of it, the Wicked Witch of the West and Kamala aren’t either and they do share that same shrieking cackle.

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We've had Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts since forever. Not inclusive enough I guess .... They did show restraint though, by not calling for the Sodomy Scouts or something. And speaking of sodomy, are any sane parents still allowing their sons to join the Boy Scouts? The organization has been attacting homosexual "Scout Leaders" for a long, long time. Thought everyone knew that by now.

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Now you’re just being homophobic. Gay men can and have been decent, not pedophilic predators. And I mean this sincerely. I don’t encourage homosexuality but don’t condemn adults who are. It’s pedophiles that must be weeded out. Oops, they’re “minor attracted persons”. Don’t want the thought-crime police showing up.

If the Boy Scouts aren’t boys and Girl Scouts aren’t girls and God forbid trans whatever’s are allowed then maybe childrens organizations should all be shuttered. Kids can’t be left to being kids anywhere anymore in western civilization.

The future of childhood is doomed. Prepare for full assimilation to the Borg.

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Thank you for your comment. First, being called homophobic has no meaning whatsoever for me. I consider “homophobic” “homophobia” “homophobe” to be non-words, i.e. words that do not indicate or describe reality. Maybe roughy akin to “hobbit” or “munchkin”. The term was invented in 1969, by a New York psychiatrist — the era and location could almost be assumed. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Weinberg_(psychologist)

Be that as it may, the word is now commonly used in everyday speech, but your comment makes me wonder if people really know what they are saying. One dictionary definition of “phobia” is “an abnormal intense and irrational fear of a given situation, organism, or object”, e.g. a reaction of someone who panics if they see a spider in their bedroom. Disapproving of homosexual Scout Leaders is not necessarily intense and certainly not clinically irrational.

I also want to point out another non-word for me, and that is “gay”, which has risen to the zenith of all terms used when referring to same-sex attracted people (among an ever expanding catalogue of identities that have become sacrosanct and are honored and celebrated with parades in towns and cities … pretty much everywhere).

Same-sex attracted persons have been with us for a very, very long time. I’ve only been around for several decades, so I cannot say with certainty how things were in centuries past. But it seems certain that great numbers of same-sex attracted people, men and women alike, have led exemplary lives, at least in terms of their contributions to every field of human endeavor imaginable, while shattering all of the commonly held stereotypes of the effeminate homosexual man, “butch” lesbian, the aesthete, the poet of extraordinary sensitivity, the persecuted victim, and last but not least — the predatory pedophile.

Excuse the lengthy intro. Scout Leaders. Same-sex attracted adult males charged with shaping the character and development of boys between the ages of 5 and 18 (in various divisions of the Boy Scouts of America). The organization itself has become as twisted as society in general, i.e. that as far as I can tell, it was deemed necessary that girls can be in the boy scouts and so on. Forgive this pessimist for asking when transexual men with newly acquired breasts or trans women with penises made of thigh tissue will be Scout Leaders soon shaping the character of kids, if they are not already.

To a same-sex attracted male, erotic beauty is found in other males. So how is allowing homosexual male Scout Leaders different than, say, having heterosexual adult males leading troops of girls aged 13? And would you approve of that? Or would you hesitate to approve of adult male authority figures going on camping trips with girls. The sole adult male present in such outings — though at a glance there have been a wealth of safeguards put in place to prevent sexual abuse and assault in scouting. And maybe that says it all.

I have not even begun to scratch the surface of this topic, but I would suggest you read this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boy_Scouts_of_America_sex_abuse_cases

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Forgot something important. Many claim that pedophiles seek out careers and/or activities that will bring them into close contact with children and/or potential underage victims. The priesthood/clergy, teaching, athletics coaching, therapists of all kinds, etc etc. No shortage of evidence suggests this is so. And while I reject the notion that homosexual = pedophile, I would be very surprised if there exists any compelling data/evidence disproving that pedophilia is disproportionately represented among homosexuals. Just look at what is arguably the most notorious and objectionable manifestation of pedophilia, namely in the Roman Catholic clergy. These men have unlimited close contact with other same-sex attracted adult males (many of their fellow clerics), yet have been sexually molesting and assaulting underage boys since forever. I am Roman Catholic and can testify to how widespread this was in the 1950s and 1960s and seemingly only became more widespread thereafter, in step with the aftermath of the 1960s counterculture revolution. Finally, while standing by my statement regarding all the same-sex attracted people through the millennia who refused to wear assigned labels or conform to stereotypes, I do believe that same-sex attraction is an intrinsically disordered psychosexual adaptation that people have needed to find for themselves a degree of inner peace.

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Well you’re not wrong so I apologize. It’s not wise to allow vulnerable children or adolescents to be supervised by ppl who are disposed to being aroused by them. NO EXCEPTIONS.

I grew up Catholic but strayed as a teen. My father and mother were devout Catholics but my father said it was well known that there was a propensity for homosexual men to be drawn to priesthood. I rather think that the RCC’s decision to disallow marriage didn’t help attract men with more normal sexual appetites. I became a born again Christian about 25 years ago, oddly because I married a Jewish guy. Long story but the short version is that I always felt called to faith in a personal level and wound up going to a Messianic community who put the parts together enough for me to understand scripture, who Yeshua really was and chose faith. It’s a choice. The CC didn’t answer the questions I had and yeah, I went to a CC church, spoke to the head pastor and he couldn’t give me answers. I don’t dislike Catholicism or think less of those who find faith in it. There’s no bad way to find Christ. I hope that for everyone.

I thank you for your response. Peace be with you.

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You have absolutely no reason to apologize, Ms. Mehlman. My opinions are just that and nothing more. I don't feel I have the last word. Only my personal outlook. And I THANK YOU for your gracious and insightful reply. We have similar backgrounds. I was raised in an Irish Catholic family ... there were a few Maureens in our circle, come to think of it :) ... and after attending Catholic school until 8th grade ... well, the 1970s happened, and Catholicism and religion soon became unimportant for me. Only very recently have I returned to practicing the Catholic faith, after decades of searching in every tradition for THE answer. It is very, very difficult to be Catholic in these times, and you will find no harsher critic than I when it comes to the Vatican, the so-called pope, and all the other disheartening stuff that goes on. But my path simply took me back to where I started. It's a hard path. But I do not believe there is any "easy" path to God. My faith and trust is in Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He is the source of all I really can have. May God bless you and yours always!

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Thank you. Your response before my last comment was eye opening and gave me pause to think more about it. I think the Catholic bashing is a bit heavy handed. There are good and faithful priests.

The rabbi who established the messianic congregation I came to join gave a sermon on the unjust criticisms of the CC. That also gave me newfound support of the RCC. I’m not super crazy about this new pope and went to hear John Paul speak on the national mall in the early 80’s. He was a powerful and devout servant of God. You could feel the presence of the Spirit very tangibly.

I got swept up in the craziness of the 70’s and 80’s. Not deflecting my personal choices to engage. Certainly wasn’t a victim. I became quite physically and emotionally sick but as soon as I reached out in Faith , God was there. Still not ready to fully surrender I grappled with a sense of longing and uncertainty for another eight years. God is never the one to turn away. We are, I have and don’t have perfect faith but try to remember the times and ways that He has spoken to me and answered prayers. I don’t mean to sound preachy, I just feel compelled to write this out. Maybe more just to hear myself say it. I grew up in that turbulent Irish Catholic family. I have a sister named Colleen, a brother named Patrick and we’re only second generation. I have Irish ancestry but have never been to Ireland. It looks lovely. Maybe someday.

Please excuse the diatribe. I will think of you and the wisdom you’ve imparted.

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Well, I'll have to tell my brother Patrick about our exchange :) :) I've been to Ireland. My family came from Sligo and Mayo. You should go, it is a special place. But it has changed very much, I understand. But turbulent? Irish Catholic families turbulent? Yours must have been the exception :) :) The things I did in the 70s and 80s should have disqualified me from God's mercy. But He never abandons us if we see the error of our ways and sincerely repent, no matter how long it takes. All my grievous sins, my wretchedness and doomed love affair with the world, earned me nothing but pain and disappointment, which I in turn inflicted on those who loved me. When I finally understood my losses and failures were his loving chastisement, He was there waiting to welcome me back home. That is why I named my publication after the Parable of the Prodigal Son. That story is my story. I am very glad we had this opportunity to get acquainted, Ms. Mehlman. Pray for me. I will pray for you and yours.

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That anyone would be so stupid as to think let alone say that puberty blockers are safe is insane. In what universe is this true?

Children, anyone under 21, not 18,

should not be permitted to submit to bodily mutilation. No medical professional should be encouraging this either. This insanity must stop. Thank you Barack Obama for pushing this nonsense. Wonder how he’d feel about his daughters being mutilated? Imma bet neither he or Michele would be very happy about that. Who knows though. It would serve them right if their kids were sucked into this hellscape they promoted.

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