Is calling someone a “white piece of sh*t” a hate crime? Somebody! Call the Obama Foundation! I'm sure Barack will demand action, given that the racist black woman would classify Obama's mom as a white bowel movement.

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After watching the clip of the gaggle of fishwives on The View ... you know what's infinitely more worrying than dreams of climate change, bird flu, disease X, or asteroid strikes? This: "As part of the 2022–2023 television season, the 26th season averaged 2.375 million viewers and ranked No. 1 in total viewers amongst all daytime talk programs. It was the series' third consecutive year in the position." This is why I no longer believe in democracy and long for a return to monarchy ... because all of the nearly 2.5 million viewers of The View have the right to vote.

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Ok, ok. I will admit it. I have four steers. They all farted at once. Sorry about the eclipse. My bad.

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