Who in their right mind would think, “we need a kids coach, how about the convicted child molester? That’s a great idea”

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OK, I just don't understand targeting individuals. The claim by the gym is that this person's past is fully disclosed to parents, and you have not offered any evidence that this is not true.

I'm a recent subscriber, but I'm going to unsubscribe. I cannot support the targeting of individuals in this way.

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Parents! Pull your kids out of Team Vision Dojo, NOW! Team Vision Dojo obviously is into grooming.

They care more about hurting the feelings of convicted pedophiles than care about your children's safety.

Pedophiles do not change. Pedophiles do not "rehabilitate".

He will abuse again.

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There’s a principal of a middle school in Bradford County who sucker punched a guy to death in Vegas, has a long criminal history of theft and violence against women, yet, there he is. The right demographic I guess.

I pulled my kid and put him in a private school nearby. The school has a lot of issues with bullying, so I’m not sure how a sucker punching principal helps that. Though, in a recent interview he did say he isn’t afraid to pin the ears back of troublesome kids, so I guess they’re in store for some tough love.

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