Excellent journalism here.

I submit to you that Starbucks did not comment on this as they are just as shocked as we are.

And they are pretty damn woke!

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Thank you! We will find out soon enough!

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I can't imagine Starbucks being surprised about this. They are headquartered in Seattle and Washington State where this behavior is normal.

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Indeed - that's possible. Being in a red state I probably do not quite the the extremes of blue state behavior!

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Thank God you are exposing this insane, satanic, perverted behavior that liberals want to defend probably. Hi for one am not gonna stand for it. Keep up the good work!

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Society has become WAY to accepting of deviant lifestyles...

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It's bad enough the left are complete lunatics, but this takes it to the next level. I have a 19-year-old son who is autistic and developmentally delayed. He wears diapers. The ONLY adults who need to wear diapers are people who truly need them. This freak and all the others? They're disgusting and repulsive! Fantastic job on this story and all the other ones. I'm new here and catching up... and having fun, while being terrified at the same time!! 🤣🤣😱😱

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I quit going to Starbucks years ago because of how woke they are.

Although, I did go once a few months ago because a friend wanted to go. Then Starbucks didn't even give me my change back.

I prefer the fake Starbucks I found when I was in Mongolia.

It was a pub.

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I don’t give a flying shit what someone does in the privacy of their own home (provided they don’t hurt someone else), but FFS, don’t be doing this kinky shit at work!!!!! My grandkids go to Starbucks. I wouldn’t give them a dime. Good Lord, what is this world coming to??!!!!!

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Someone do please visit this Starbucks soon. Don't harass anyone. Just get the health department restaurant score. They should have it posted somewhere visible. Hopefully this guy will not be visible. If you see a gig on the form for "inappropriate employee uniforms" do update us please.

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I live in St. Louis County but am not seeing which store this occurred in. Anyone know how I can find that out?

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There are only two Starbucks in Ballwin according to Google Maps. One appears to be in the parking lot of Target, the other is on Ballpark Dr.

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starbucks coffee sucks...they have always been a left leaning company with crappy coffee.

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I agree w/ both of your assessments. I had a roomie who was a barista at Starbucks, and was allowed to bring home 1 or 2 lbs. of coffee a week. I like my brew black and never sampled any of theirs that I could tolerate.

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Love you Chaya!

I sorta put you up there with Tim Ballard and those amazing heroes who have sadly had to see unconscionable things in order to save children.

You have to filter through so much filth.

YES... of course sex trafficking is so much worse... but in a general, broad sense, THIS PERSON, this severe degeneracy, and the sick dystopian acceptance from the left... these things are a legitimate threat to our families, our way of life, our peace and eventually our liberty because once we allow the moral collapse of our republic- economic and legislative collapse will follow.

It’s just called history.

You are my hero girl thank you for sacrificing ❤️

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I understand & accept that there are perverts on both sides of this issue- hetro/homo, but it was the normalization of homosexuality that has put this sick behavior front & center.

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His Parents must be so proud...

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I can see a future in the DNC for this weirdo

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Is it just me, or is the cherry on top of this absolute parfait of insanity the fact that it occurred in...wait for it...Ballwin...? We gotta be living in a simulation.

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