Girls need to start banding together and refusing to participate as a whole in these competitions.

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Until an entire girls team and their parents has the guts to publicly and loudly boycott the team nothing will happen Then the parents must sue. There is so hurtful and outrageous as to not to be believable.

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Unless these parents start speaking up - and loudly - nothing will change.

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Clearly his male body has no advantage over the female ones on those lower blocks.

( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)

How do people not see how wrong this is? This is exactly what Title IX was supposed to protect AGAINST!

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"Parents are terrified..." Democracy dies in Fear.

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Men always make better women. Life has become a sitcom parody of itself. We're living a joke reality.

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They can threaten all they want. Women, girls, mothers, grandmothers won’t have their hard fought rights and accomplishments taken away by biological men with body dysphoria. Don’t give them your power, never back down.

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Whoops all the real girls need to boycott.

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Well done, leftist parents!

You used to just be the nightmare "Tee-Ball" and soccer parents, demanding every kid gets a participation trophy. Now you teach your boys to be whiny little losers, then you tell them they're *really* "winner" girls!

The United States has an epidemic of "Munchausen by proxy" - pathetic adults, so desperate for attention, (but most are too chickens**t to do it to themselves) they convince their children they're the opposite sex. Psychiatrists should be treating parents, not the children.

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Trans women aren’t any kind of women. Don’t cede the language to these usurpers!

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The history of women's sports is amazing. For the first 3000 years, women had "the wrong bodies for sports." Then, from 1972 until 2022, there was a worldwide explosion of female bodies doing sports. Then, just as suddenly, women's bodies ceased to exist again. A mystery as deep as Atlantis.

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His NCSA college recruiting profile currently has him filed under “Men’s Track”. Wonder how long it will take them to change it...


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A bunch of boys need to get together and join the female teams until they’re made up of mostly boys. Would be more effective than boycotts because it’s funnier

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Well-written, logically organized and insightful article. The Left has none of these trait characteristics, hence the Leftism.

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The solution to this issue HAS TO COME from Women/Girls. When the feelings and concerns of ONE, trumps the integrity of an entire sport for women....be satisfied with silver and bronze unless they're willing to step up. The solution HAS TO COME from within.

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Love it! As a "near to" Seattle resident, I love that BLUE WOKE Seattle parents are seeing their poor little precious' being smacked in the face with the reality that their daughters can't compete against a boy, even one in a dress.

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