For every woke RINO exposed, how many are still traveling under the radar?

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A website "outing" RINO politicians at each level, i.e. federal, state and local, would be priceless!

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No. American voters should be investigating who they vote for. It is up to the voters to use discretion.

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You do know that isn't going to happen but you want all of this nonsense the Dems & Rinos are pushing to stay hidden?? Do you have a official Rino badge to wear, if not the Dems will be glad to furnish you one...

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Huh? You make no sense.

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Another fake. Here in minneslowta they are a dime a dozen. That is why the baby killing democrats are in charge. We had one last election cycle that actually paid a democrat money for his election against a very conservation younger msn running in that same district. He helped the democrat win and now they have a one vote majority. They wouldnt have if this backstabber wouldnt have been thinking of his pompous arse. Sounds like this guy is cut from the same cloth. Cant trust republicans either. Many of them are spineless. Our conservative women have more guts.

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As far as I can tell, everything that applies to Clardy applies to Hefner (HD5)

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What a surprise! Another hypocritical politician who continues to reject the facts even when they are presented to him. Politicians who don’t support vouchers for school choice should be actively banned from sending their kids to private schools. Never understood why the Obamas were given a pass on this issue. RINOS are bad on it but almost the whole of Dem officeholders vote in lockstep on this issue, the money of the teachers’ unions is more important to them than the education of the kids in their districts. Keep up the great work LOTT.

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Excellent work! We need to keep an eye on Republicans as well as Democrats. Too often, elected officials forget about the people who voted them into office in favor of whoever is giving them money.

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It appears that nowadays, a Republican is a Democrat turned inside out.

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Thank you Libs of TikTok.

Your article also points out the failure of representative democracy in the US.

Based on what I have read, the ONLY way to reverse TX Rep. Clardy's position would be to give MORE money than what ATPE donated. In other words, Clardy votes along monetary lines and not what his constituents want. So if anyone is wanting to understand why the US is a fascist corporate oligarchy..this article sums it up rather well.

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