Great journalistic work!!! Keep up the great work; you are making a terrific impact, exposing the banality, insidiousness, and downright evil present in our current society!

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I'm happy to support your work; keep exposing these hypocrites!

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Seriously consider homeschooling your kids, get a group of parents you trust and hire a tutor to teach your kids with parental supervision of course.

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Furthermore, I was quite taken back by the sign on the side side of the cartoon: "keep your God off my body." A total insult to God and all believers, since in the Genesis story, God formed us in his own image?

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Mark, I found that repugnant as well. A family member of ours was raised Christian, then went away to college. Now, this person no longer goes to church, mocks other Christians, and I doubt believes in God. I am sad.

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Lots of Rhino’s in Texas.

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I feel proud supporting your work, thank you!! As far as this POS Rep Shine, he’s not a true conservative nor looking out for his voters. It’s the “Almighty Buck”.

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Thank you Libs of TikTok on this expose.

Again this points out the broken system we have where representative democracy is replaced by corporate bribery. There is no fix other than to reinvent government into something that is less powerful which is probably not possible. Sad...

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