The Left's alarming push to sever the parent-child relationship has hit the medical industry
Your child may be getting gender reassignment surgery without your consent.
The Left’s agenda to groom your children has taken another turn. Various states across America have begun implementing laws and policies to allow children to make healthcare decisions without a parent or guardian’s consent — and the medical industry is promoting it. Many of these states are using these new laws to allow for drastic medical decisions to be made without parental consent including hormone therapy, gender reassignment surgery, and medicated mental health treatment.
In Washington, children as young as 13 are now allowed to undergo gender reassignment surgery and other questionable medical treatments without parental consent.
One Washington dad alleged in a viral TikTok video that a school gave his 15-year-old child antidepressants without informing him. Sounds completely insane and illegal, right? Well . . . it sounds that way, but it isn’t. Under Washington law, this is 100% legal and is allegedly being carried out by schools.

New York has hopped on the bandwagon of removing parents from the treatment room as well. New York-Presbyterian recently sent out emails to their patients explaining that accounts for 12-17-year-olds must be updated to reflect the adolescent’s personal email address as the primary contact as New York State law allows children “to keep their sensitive medical information private and to consent to some of their own medical treatment.”
Twelve-year-old children will now have the ability to be the primary decision-maker for many of their medical treatments and procedures. Children will also have the ability to completely revoke medical record access for their parents or guardians. 12-year-old children who can barely do their own laundry now have authority over their healthcare.
In Arizona, a major healthcare provider announced a nearly identical update to their healthcare systems, allowing children to revoke their parent or guardian’s access to their medical records.

Democrats in California recently tried passing a bill that would allow minors as young as 12 years old to get vaccines without parental permission.
One concerned parent in Kennebunk, Maine shared photos with us of a medical questionnaire for patients 12 years of age and older which read “To be filled out by patient only.” The questionnaire included questions about sexuality, asking children what gender they're attracted to, and if the child has ever been in a romantic relationship or had sex. Separate questions ask the children if they’ve ever had questions about their gender identity and what their preferred pronouns are.
The parent spoke to me regarding the questionnaire and stated her child was given the forms right after he turned 13. Naturally, her son was uncomfortable and confused by the questions and asked his mom for help. However, the mom claims the doctor made her leave the room and refused to allow her to be present while her son was answering the questionnaire.
Why would a doctor need to secretly know the sexual preference and gender identity that a 13-year-old child claims without his mom present? Why would any child be required to share answers to all these invasive questions and bar any parental involvement?
It’s not just Maine, Arizona, New York, and Washington — the removal of parents from important decisions in their children’s lives is becoming a nationwide policy trend aggressively pushed by the Left.
Why are Democrats trying to remove parents from the equation? Why do the communist Leftists want to own your children? Children need a healthy home with parents who are involved in their children’s lives. A parent is generally the best advocate for their own child, with the exception of extreme circumstances. Why intentionally cause division between parents and their children?
A recent study from Heritage Foundation found a link between states that allow children to access medical treatments-- specifically hormone therapy treatment for gender transitions-- and higher teen suicide rates in those states. To remedy the startling youth suicide trends in these states, the study suggests that states “adopt parental bills of rights that affirm the fact that parents have primary responsibility for their children’s education and health, and that require school officials and health professionals to receive permission from parents before administering health services, including medication and 'gender-affirming' counseling, to children under 18. States should also tighten the criteria for receiving cross-sex treatments, including raising the minimum eligibility age.”
All of us should be concerned about this correlation between removing parents from the treatment room and rising youth suicide rates.
It’s all part of the push to create an unstable society. Children who grow up unsure of their identities, without strong parental involvement, are easier to control and manipulate. The Left wants total dominance over every aspect of our lives. They want children to stop trusting their parents so the state can raise them. They want every American to live by their set of rules and push their agenda across the entire country. And they’re sacrificing our children in the process.
A message from our friends at Catholic Vote
Abortion advocates promised us a “Summer of Rage” if Roe was overturned. They’re standing up for “women’s rights” by terrorizing organizations that provide free housing, food, diapers, and other support to mothers and families. But CatholicVote is calling them out. CatholicVote updates this map tracking every attack, every day — over 50 so far.
Check it out for yourself here. Let’s make the Summer of Rage the Summer of Truth.
Sadly, it seems that if you are a parent living in a Blue State or a RINO-run Red State, your parental rights are being totally erased. "They" are much further along in destroying the nuclear family than I realized...
Thank you for illuminating this. We must push back.