REPORT: Meet Caroline Schindler- a drag obsessed middle school teacher with a classroom full of LGBTQ propaganda who wants to be her students’ “mom”
Another woke teacher is bringing LGBTQ propaganda and personal political views into the classroom. We decided to investigate this teacher after receiving multiple tips from parents and residents.
Meet Caroline Schindler, a language arts teacher at Broadmoor Junior High School in Pekin, Illinois. We spoke with a parent at length who described to us how Ms. Schindler pushes her leftist ideologies onto students with her impossible-to-ignore classroom displays.
Ms. Schindler has multiple rainbow displays, trans flags, progress pride flags, as well as pasted quotes from the likes of Greta Thunberg, and other female figures generally associated with left-wing politics.
In one public social media post, Schindler writes, “Need a friend, a mom, or just an ear? Let me know.” It’s very concerning and alarming that a teacher wants to become a mother figure to her students. Teachers trying to overstep boundaries into roles they don’t belong in has become a theme amongst woke teachers. Parents, beware!
This isn’t the first time Mrs. Schindler has offended parents and students alike with her political and social agenda. She allegedly transferred to Broadmoor Junior High School due to complaints about her teaching material at her last school.
This information comes from a concerned Broadmoor parent who spoke with us on the condition of anonymity. The parent had a student in Schindler’s class who expressed being “a little bit uncomfortable” with the number of pride flags displayed.
In addition to her obsession with LGBTQ propaganda, Ms. Schindler is also obsessed with drag queens. In this Instagram post she says she had to “school a kid about drag queens.” Why are teachers discussing adult men dressed as women who dance sexually with students?
Ms. Schindler also displays a photo of herself with drag queens in her classroom. Again, why is drag, which is completely inappropriate for minors, being discussed and shown in classrooms?
Oh, and then we have this totally politically neutral and completely reasonable Facebook profile photo. Imagine you’re a parent who’s a Republican, how would you feel about this?
Speaking of drag, let’s take a look at her classroom library. Among her pride books, she displays the book The Black Flamingo which is a story about a gay teen who discovers drag, and “finds where he belongs.” So basically encouraging minors to become drag queens. Totally appropriate for a middle school!
Would you want your child reading this book at school?
The parent who we spoke to added, “At the very least, I would like the school to force her to remove all the political stuff from the classroom, so that my [kid] doesn't have to sit there every day and look at trans flags.”
That shouldn’t be an unreasonable request.
Broadmoor Junior High School did not respond to our request for comment.
This is Grooming 101 She should be band from getting within 1000 feet from any child
Being a teacher and the low government standards that comes from not having any private sector competition sure does attract a lot of freaks.