Pitzer College student staffer demands removal of American flag for being 'threat to students of color'
“It is not merely a flag; it is a statement… The impact is malicious.”
Pitzer College event staff manager and student, Zoe Brin, recently sent out a formal request to students demanding the American flag be taken down from one of the campus residences.
“This is a formal request to whomever [sic] lives there to take it down, immediately.
“The American flag is not only a symbol of hatred, but a threat to students of color, and makes a multitude of students feel unsafe. It is not merely a flag; it is a statement.”
Libs of TikTok reached out to the Pitzer to see if they agree that the American flag is a symbol of hatred and a threat to students of color. Wendy Shattuck, Assistant Vice President, College Communications (which is responsible for the events staff) sent us the following message:
“The post is by a student. Only students can post on StudentTALK, which is a closed, students-only listserv. The College does not monitor nor comment on activity on this listserv unless a post that may violate student conduct policies is brought to our attention by another student.”
Libs of TikTok kindly reminded Ms. Shattuck that Zoe Brin was a member of Pitzer College staff. Surely, she would remember a staffer in her own department? Sadly, she declined further comment.
Apparently, Pitzer College agrees with Miss Brin’s “American flag is a symbol of hatred and a threat to students of color” statement because she is still employed.
Maybe it’s time to stop funding colleges that hate America with hard-working American tax dollars.
For 245 years, the American flag has stood as a symbol of freedom and justice. When citizens who live under totalitarian rule protest, you can almost always find them carrying stars and stripes. Even the Biden Administration encouraged waving the American flag proudly when anti-communist Cubans were protesting last year. Makes you wonder why our own American institutions tolerate staff demanding its removal.
As a taxpayer I am most happy to invite Zoe to the airport nearest to her, give her a passport, and pay her airfare out of taxpayer funds to the country of her choice. We Americans would never want her to feel unsafe and would like her to go to her dream destination where she can live her best life. We wish Zoe the best.
Bowing to the whims and desires of one person or a small minority of people is a characteristic of our culture now. These people scream democracy and yet have no concept of what it means.