This article contains graphic admissions about sexual fantasies involving children, rape, and other topics that may be disturbing to some readers. Reader discretion is advised.
Parents in Lakota Local Schools in Ohio are demanding that Superintendent Matt Miller resigns after his highly compromised sexual history and statements regarding sexual fantasies with children have come to light.
Miller heads the second-largest district in southwest Ohio and the eighth-largest school system in the state, serving more than 16,000 students in 20 schools in Butler County.
On August 8, Vanessa Wells, a Lakota parent, filed a police report against Miller with the sheriff's office. In that complaint, Wells provided police with numerous text messages, including messages between Miller and his ex-wife, which seemingly show Miller admitting to fantasizing about raping minors.
Two days later during an interview with detectives, Miller’s ex-wife alleged that her ex-husband used to traffick her to other men through Craigslist posts, had sent her child pornography via email and text, and asked her to molest children in the school district, even her own son.
“At one point he had asked me - I have a friend who has three little boys… and he said I should volunteer to watch the boys so the parents could go out. Give them sleeping pills, molest them for him and videotape it. Then not more than a couple weeks later… my son had his friends over. They were spending the night…They were downstairs. My husband wanted me to go down, have sex with our son and his friends.”
When detectives interviewed the superintendent he did not deny the allegations. Instead, Miller passed the blame to his ex-wife. The investigative report states Miller said that he and his ex-wife would “role-play” and engage in “pillow talk," which on at least one occasion included a discussion of drugging, molesting, and recording three kids.

The detective asked him if he read the “script” involving the three boys to which Miller responded, “Yeah. And that involved those three kids so that is where that came from.”
The Butler County Sheriff's Office, without examining any of Miller's electronic devices, concluded they didn't have probable cause to bring criminal charges, and on August 18th the district attorneys finally informed the school board of the allegations, a full 10 days after the initial police report was filed.
Concerned parents began showing up at the school board meetings and eventually, on Sept. 12, the board banned parents from speaking critically of the board in the context of Miller. A local resident then filed a lawsuit against the school board accusing them of unconstitutionally restricting free speech.

Siding with parents, a federal judge ordered the Lakota Schools Board to reinstate the public comment period at its next meeting as tensions continued to boil over the controversy involving Superintendent Miller.
But it wasn’t until mid-September, nearly a month after they were notified of the police report, that the Lakota school board announced an investigation. During those weeks before the announcement, records obtained by The Enquirer show board members disagreed on how to address the complaint against the district's leader.
One lone board member, Darbi Boddy disagreed with the board's plan:
"Our clear duty is to oversee the Superintendent, regardless of what law enforcement does or does not do. They are charged with determining if probable cause for a crime exists. We are charged with overseeing employment in the best interest of the children. Punting it to law enforcement is shirking our duty," she wrote.
Another board member, Isaac Adi wrote via email to Boddy.
"In a very dicey situation right now. I don't know what the truth is right now…At this time if we are not careful but only depend on hearsay and not the truth we will be making a great mistake."
The board eventually hired a law firm to further investigate Miller. The independent investigation found no proof of wrongdoing.
Board member Boddy and parents rejected the results of the investigation and many are frustrated with the secrecy and lack of appropriate response by the majority of the school board as well as the Butler County Sheriff's Department.
A parent with children in the district spoke to Libs of TikTok expressing frustration: “Why are they covering for him? Just because there is no proof that he hasn’t touched a child doesn’t mean he is fit to be around them. He admitted to participating in roleplay about molesting three boys in the district!”
Bare minimum, Miller’s admitted conduct seemingly violates the morality clause in Ohio State’s Ethical Standards for Educators. Any school official who admits to engaging in sexual fantasies with children should not be permitted to oversee an entire district of children. The safety of children should be everyone’s first concern.
The district did not respond to Libs of TikTok’s request for comment.
How the fuck is there even any debate about this? Everyone involved in this cover-up should be treated like a leper.
“The police have confirmed that Matt Miller advertised on Craigslist for men to sleep with his wife,” Boddy said. “We do not need to spend money on an investigation when we know these things about his character. They are absolutely not character traits that you look for in a superintendent.”
That last sentence is the understatement of the year.