Last week you may have noticed a lot of buzz around Boston Children’s Hospital. It turns out, they had a full menu of castration and mutilation options for minors to choose from. Some options included a hysterectomy: the carving out of a young girl’s reproductive system. Double mastectomy: chopping off young girls’ breasts. Phalloplasty: cutting off the skin from the forearm and thigh of healthy adolescent girls to create a penis. All this came to light last week, so I helped spread the horrors of what doctors are doing to young confused individuals.

Another video from Boston Children’s explained how a toddler can know they are transgender sometimes from the minute they are born.

This doctor explains how playing with the “opposite gender toys” can be a sign that a kid is trans. The same people who screamed for years “toys don’t have a gender!” are now telling us that toys have gender and if a girl plays with a truck, she might be trans. (Shoutout to my mom for not chopping off my breasts when I asked for a short haircut!)
Of course, the Left immediately jumped on this, trying to figure out how to spin it as false information to protect their friends. Politifact got to it first. They fact-checked a specific claim that I myself never made and labeled it false.

Although I never mentioned a specific age, Boston Children’s does in fact provide “gender-affirming” surgeries for minors. After the videos went viral, they quietly updated their website. They changed the age of requirement for a vaginoplasty from 17 to 18 and added “we only perform gender-affirming hysterectomies on patients who are age 18 or older.” It appears that Politifact and Boston Children’s worked together to cover up for the fact that minors were allowed to receive genital and breast mutilation surgeries as well as eliminating the possibility for a young girl to ever get pregnant through a hysterectomy.

New evidence has come out clearly stating that Boston Children’s has done and would do “gender affirming” surgeries on Minors. Check out this thread from Wesley Yang.

But the Left still wasn’t satisfied with their fake fact-check, perhaps because I busted it wide open. They were out for more blood. They now want me suspended for tweeting the publicly available videos and defending myself from a false accusation from Politifact while raising awareness to the mutilation of children.
P.S. Please subscribe to my substack in case one day they are successful at finally getting me banned.
Of course our wise Latina friend is leading the charge to get me banned, this time accompanied by a he/they doctor, soon to be followed by Media Matters probably.
Honestly, my only response is that the stochastic terrorism accusation is getting old. Time to think of something new.
Anyway, my reaction is the same as always. The harder you come after and attack me, the more that tells me I need to continue working vigorously to expose the insanity of the Left. Which is exactly what I intend to do.
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Playing with “other” gender toys is punishable by sterilization and gender mutilation???? WTF. I don’t see how anyone who has met any actual kids could even think this, much less say it out loud. These people are insane. And evil.
It seems "leftist law" gives the shrieking mob's "freedom of speech" more right to shut down *your* speech.
Must be the same with "twit law" .
Keep writing it, we'll keep reading it and sharing it. You are not alone in your fight!